Our solutions

Constant grid condition awareness, reducing downtime with predictive fault detection.

Supply shifts and weather challenges stress distribution. Ampacimon offers proactive solutions for resilient systems

Reducing downtime through
predictive fault detection

  • Low voltage fault monitoring,  enhancing utility awareness and expediting restoration for cables and overhead lines
  • Ice detection, preventing costly outages and safeguarding assets across all voltage levels
  • Root cause analysis and location for accelerated repairs
  • Consolidated monitoring, in a comprehensive platform for wide-scale condition monitoring of the entire grid

  • Predictive analytics, harnessing the power of big data for predicting failures, ensuring success starts with robust data

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Fault and event detection and localization
on assets, speeding up recovery

Communicating Fault Circuit Indication and assessing operational conditions

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Grid Reliability’s Success Stories

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Our Solutions on Grid Constrained Capacity:

Up to 40% more power for maximum grid capacity

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Our Solutions on Aging Infrastructure:

Prioritize and locate issues in the grid using real-time data

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